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Improving my Dockerised App stack

Here's a quick update on my app stack — which is saving me a further $20/mo. A previous iteration of this stack, before it was Dockerised, has now been scrubbed off the Digital Ocean servers, and that app — inertialbox.com — is now running on the same 1 GB ten-dollar droplet.

There's ~300MB of RAM free which hasn't affected orchestration via Ansible. The nginx reverse-proxy is also now in place, and it's being treated as an 'app' as well. Since it's running in a container, it's just another service and therfore is fair to consider it in the same vein.

All the following containers are managed by systemd, and I'm quite frankly loving it along with the journald.

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                 COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
4f1ba395455e        app/inertialbox-production:latest     "/bin/sh -c /home/in   5 minutes ago       Up 5 minutes>80/tcp     app-inertialbox-production
0afd9a2b246f        app/mwdesilva-production:latest       "/bin/sh -c /home/mw   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes>80/tcp     app-mwdesilva-production
b8c64d85212e        app/reverse-proxy-production:latest   "/bin/sh -c 'foreman   9 minutes ago       Up 9 minutes>80/tcp       app-reverse-proxy-production
7107e4529426        redis:3.0                             "/entrypoint.sh redi   20 minutes ago      Up 20 minutes>xxxx/tcp   redis-inertialbox-production
da04f1f4adb6        redis:3.0                             "/entrypoint.sh redi   7 days ago          Up 7 days >xxxx/tcp   redis-mwdesilva-production